
Showing posts with the label Assembly Language

Lab Project Solution Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Introduction The project consists of 3 parts and a bonus assignment. You are required to do coding and synthesis, and to demonstrate each part of the project. Write a project report to briefly describe the working of the design of each part. Report should also include the timing report and the waveform generated by simulating the testbench of each part of the project. For Part-3 and bonus assignment you will be required to find the minimum execution time and the reduction CPI which you achieve for the given program. Project Part-1 Modify the 4-stage pipelined processor of Lab-3 to include BEQ, LW, and SW instructions and convert that to a 5-stage pipelined processor. (6 marks) Project Part-2 Modify the processor designed in Part-1 of the project to include jump register (jr), jump (J), and jump & link (jal) instructions. (5 marks) Project Part-3 Each group of students will be given a program which gets slowed due to pipeline stalls. You are required to modify the program to remove ...

Assignment# 1 Solution Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Assignment-1 Part (a) Section (i) Write the MIPS-like assembly code for the following program segment to run on the 5-stage pipelined processor which you have developed. for (i=6; i<=65; i=i+1) { a[i] = b[i] + a[i-6]; } Section (ii) Convert that assembly code to machine language format, and execute them on the 5-stage pipelined processor which you have developed. Section (iii)  Find the number of clock cycles and execution time to execute those machine instructions. Part (b)  Section (i) Perform maximal loop unrolling as well as instruction reordering of the assembly code segment obtained for part (a). Convert that assembly code segment to machine language format, and run on the 5-stage pipelined processor which you have developed. Section (ii) Find the number of clock cycles and execution time to run it. Part (c) Compare the execution times found for part (a) and part (b) and explain the effect of loop-carried dependency. CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other ta...

Classic Data Structures by D. Samanta Power Point Presentations [PPT] free download


Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Power Point Presentations [PPT] free download


Computer Organization and Design by John L. Hennessy Power Point Presentations [PPT] free download


(Manual) Assembly Language Programming and Organization of IBM PC by Yu and Marut [PDF] free download
