Movie Management Project Access database with relationships

Project Description:

The Movie database for the final project will have the four tables shown above. Begin with MovieRa ng, since this is the simplest table in the database. It is a lookup table of all the MPAA Ra ng Codes (plus NR for Not Rated) and it has two fields: Ra ngID and Ra ng. Once created it should be populated with the
following records

Some of the characteris cs you associate with movies are in the table, Movie. They represent most of the data types associated with a rela onal database. The MovieID is a unique number that iden fies a single movie, Title is a text field containing the movie tle, YearReleased is the year the movie was first released, Ra ngID is a foreign key associated with the Ra ng in the MovieRa ng table, and the remaining fields are Boolean variables (Yes/No) to iden fy movies that are in black and white, and foreign films with sub tles. Once created it should be populated with the following records

An important part of any movie database is the cast. The table Cast contains informa on about the actors from the movies listed. Beside the name of the actor (LastName and FirstName) we will include the Date of Birth (DOB) and Date of Death (DOD). Once created it should be populated with the following records:

Feel free to add your own movies and actors to these tables; just remember to include entries in MovieCast.

Relationship Diagram:

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