The Pizza Preferences Survey - Application | Assignment 3 | Java Assignments Help

Project Details:

In this Assignment, you are asked to modify your program from Assignment 1 (The Pizza Preferences Survey).

  1. Make this program store the collected data in a database, instead of the text file.
  2. Implement the delete data entry feature, as in StudentJDBC example. It is not required to implement the editing.
  3. Implement one or more logins for administrators using DataSourceRealm, with salted and hashed passwords. You may implement several levels of access (roles), like in HelloLogins, but it is not required. Viewing and removing data should require logging in.
The administrator password should not be “sesame”, encrypt another password. Copy-paste your steps of the encryption (as in the posted “sesame.txt” file) in your own “readme.txt” file and submit it with the code. You are also required to submit your “pizza.sql” file that you used to generate the database for your program.

Some thoughtful reworked copy-pastes from examples posted on SLATE are allowed, but mindless copy-pastes are explicitly prohibited and will result in the ZERO grade. For example, using a class named Student to store pizza information, or using a variable named “program” to store crust selection, or using a variable named “coop” that actually means “extra cheese” (etc.) constitutes mindless copy-pasting and results in the ZERO grade for the assignment.

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