Array, Objects and Classes in Java | Practice Project

Customer Class

Create class Connection with below attributes


Create class ConnectionDemo with main method. Declare array of 3 Connection objects in mainmethod. Initialize this array where few objects have same customer id. Declare another methodin this class – getAverageBalance. This method will take the customer array and customer id asinput and return average balance for that customer. Display this average balance from mainmethod.
Follow class outline diagram as given below. Ensure class attributes are private and othermethods are public. Use package “com” to build your solution.

Student Class

Create class Student with below attributes:


Create class StudentDemo with main method. Declare array of 5 student objects in mainmethod. Initialize this array. Declare another method in this class – splitStudentArray. Thismethod will take the student array and a character as input parameters. If the input character is‘o’ this method will return array of students with odd value of marks. If the input character is ‘e’then this method will return array of students with even value or marks. It will return null arrayif there is any other character specified. Display name and marks for this returned array frommain method.
Follow class outline diagram as given below. Ensure class attributes are private and othermethods are public. Use package “com” to build your solution.


Create class SorterDemo with different methods as given in the class outline. ImplementsortDouble
method which will sort array of double variables. Implement sortString methodwhich will sort given String value in alphabetical manner. Implement sortStudent method whichwill sort array of Student objects (referring Student class created in above problem). Createarray of double variables, declare one String variable and create array of Student objects in mainmethod. Display the output of each array as resulted out of the three sort methods in mainmethod.
Follow class outline diagram as given below. Ensure class attributes are private and othermethods are public. Use package “com” to build your solution.


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