[SOLVED] London’s Premier Burrito Food Trucks Case study full database solution

The purpose of this coursework is to create a database ER schema and relational schema based on specific domain based on the provided requirements. This coursework also involves implementing your relational schema in SQL and writing some queries in SQL’s Data Manipulation Language.
This coursework is comprised of 2 Parts, each with separate deadlines. Be aware any late submissions will have the grade for that part capped at 40%. This is Part 1 of the Coursework.

The entire coursework is formally assessed and is worth 10% of your final grade. Each Part of the Coursework is worth 5%. You will receive some feedback as part of the marking of the coursework.

Part 1: Design

  • (1.1) Identification and representation of entities, relationships and attributes.
  • (1.2) Identification and representation of relationship cardinalities based on the coursework requirements, or by making proper use assumptions if the coursework requirements are vague. Any assumptions need to be reasonable and realistic.
  • (1.3) Conversion of the ER schema to a relational schema.
  • (1.4) Identify domain constraint specific to the database requirements.

Database Requirements

Chipp quit his career in computing to start a fleet of London’s Premier Burrito Food Trucks. Every day Food Trucks will sell burritos (with various fillings and toppings) and refreshing beverages at various markets throughout London. Being dataminded Chipp wants to utilize a DBMS to track the sales for each Food Truck. In addition, he would like to start a customer loyal program called the BurritoClub. Customers who sign-up to BurritoClub can get offers on free burritos! This also will allow Chipp to store data on customer purchases for his Data Science team to analyze.

Here are the specifications for the database requirements:

Chipp will invest in a fleet of one or more Food Trucks that each sell the same menu at different markets across London. Each Food Truck has a unique identifier, its vehicle registration number (see https://www.gov.uk/displaying-number-plates for the format), and the date that Chipp put the Food Truck in service. Food Trucks will be scheduled to appear at one of London’s many street markets. Markets have a name, a post code where they are located, and the days of the week that they are active. Assume that Chipp will assign a Food Truck to a street market for an entire day, and that no more than one of the Food Truck will be present at a Market at a time.

Customers may sign up to the BurritoClub with their email address. They will provide their Date of Birth, address, and their name as part of the sign-up. Every Customer (identified by their email) may have only one BurritoClub membership. Chipp would like to keep the offer scheme of the BurritoClub simple at first. Every BurritoClub customer gets 1 free Burrito for every 10 Burritos that they buy. In other words, every 11th Burrito is free. The database should keep track of this necessary information for the BurritoClub.

The items sold in the Food Truck can be of different types: burritos and beverages. Every item have an ID, a description and a price. Assume that every Food Truck has infinite stock of each item (i.e. we do not need to track stock levels in each Food Truck).

All Burritos come with rice, a type of bean, a filling, and a set of optional toppings. Burritos are priced by size (Mini, Regular, and Grande). Bean types will vary. Chipp will start by offering two types: black beans and red beans. Burrito fillings will vary (depending on the season). There are at least 3 types of Burrito fillings and there should be a vegetarian option.

A Burrito may optionally have toppings: lettuce, tomato, and mild and hot salsa. Toppings are free, but Chipp will also offer guacamole as a topping for which there is an extra charge. The Food Truck also sells different types of refreshing beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. All beverages have a size measured in milliliters (just in case Chipp takes his Food Truck business over the Channel to mainland Europe). Each order is identified by a unique order number, and should include the date and at which Food Truck and Market it was placed. An order may contain any of the items available at the Food Truck. Additionally, the total cost and the quantity of items in the order may be derived from the order contents. Assume that a customer may use their BurritoClub card with an order. But orders may also be placed without a BurritoClub card and as a result there is no customer attributed to them.

Part 1: Design

  • 1.1 ER Diagram. Draw the ER schema that would correspond to the requirements above. Include all entities, attributes, and relationships. If necessary, please explain/justify your design choices.
  • 1.2 Cardinalities and Assumptions. On the ER Diagram include all cardinalities of the relationships using the ERD (min,max) notation from lecture. State assumptions made and ensure that those assumptions do not contradict with the coursework requirements.
  • Please list your assumptions as bullet points. 
  • 1.3 Relational Schema. Convert the ER schema into a relational schema separately grouping the Entity and the Relationship relations.

1.4 Constraints.

  • (i) For each relation, identify their primary and foreign keys. You may write (PK) and (FK) to indicate the attribute(s) that serve as primary and foreign keys, respectively. For example, ‘ProjectNumber (PK), EmployeeNumber (FK)’. (ii) In addition, define all of the domain constraints for three relations in your relational schema. If necessary, include an explanation for these domain constraints.
  • (iii) Define three semantic integrity constraints for your schema specific to the Burrito Food Truck domain. Include an explanation for each semantic integrity constraint.

Part 2: Implementation 

  • (2.1) Create and implement the design in appropriate SQL schema and table creation queries, including entities, relationships and constraints.
  • (2.2) Insert appropriate sample data using INSERT queries.
  • (2.3) Create and output the appropriate SELECT queries.
  • (2.4) Update data using the appropriate UPDATE query.
  • (2.5) Remove data using a DELETE query.

Part: SQL

Setup. In Part 2, you will implement your relational model for the Burrito Food
Truck Database. On KEATs you will find a .zip containing template SQL files to
edit for your Part 2 submission. For Part 2, you may find that your original relational schema needs updating to accommodate the queries that you want to run. You are not locked into your original design for Part 1. If you do desire to change your design, submit an updated PDF file containing your updated design, highlighting your changes. Remember that the original database requirements as described in Part 1 still apply, and regardless of the changes that you make for Part 2, your original submitted Part

2.1 Schema Definition. 

Based on your design from Part 1, write the required SQL
DDL (Data Definition Language) statements (i.e. CREATE TABLE…) to
create the schema and corresponding tables.
Ensure that:

  • table and attribute names do not conflict with SQL reserved words
  • attribute data types are core primitive SQL data types as described in the lectures (i.e. do not use the ENUM type for example)
  • table columns have appropriate key and entity constraints properties
  • every table has a primary key specified as it corresponds to your relational model
  • all foreign keys are properly declared, and explicitly describe how they handle potential referential integrity constraint violations (i.e. it is up to you to decide the triggered action to the foreign key constraints)
  • your schema enforces the domain constraints you identified in Part 1 • your schema enforces the semantic domain constraints you identified in Part1 Note that you may not be able to enforce all of the semantic domain constraints in the CREATE TABLE statements and MySQL does not have Assertions in the manner that we discussed in lecture (i.e. using CREATE ASSERTION). If you are unable to enforce a semantic domain constraint include a comment in your schema explaining your constraint and the reason it is not implemented. 

Write your schema in the provided template file: schema.sql Assume that the database schema will already be created for you (i.e. do not include a CREATE SCHEMA statement in your file, it will result in an error). Also assume that your script will already be run within your database schema (i.e. do not include a USE…; statement in your file, it will result in an error).

2.2 Populate Database with data. 

Time to get creative! Populate your database with some data that you will come up with on your own. Since you only require a small test sample of data, you will use SQL INSERT statements to populate your database

More precisely:

  • Research 3 markets in London to include in your database.
  • Chipp is starting out with 2 Food Trucks, and make sure that all of its information is included in the database.
  • Schedule both Food Trucks to be active in the markets for 1 week at the end of May 2017 and the beginning of June 2017 (i.e. Sunday 28-May through Saturday 3-June).
  • Pick at least 3 of your favourite celebrities to include as Customers, and give each of them a. Make up the DOB/Address/EmailAddress for these Customers.
  • Implement the full burrito menu as described in the database requirements, including reasonable information about the beans, fillings, sizes and prices (Google “burrito menus” to help you discover the wonderful world of burritos).
  • Include “Guacamole” as a topping with a price, and the other toppings mentioned in the database requirements.
  • Include “Lemonade” and at least 2 other types of drinks on offer of various sizes.
  • For at least 3 of your customers, have them each have at least 3 orders spread out throughout the scheduled week mentioned above. Make sure that some orders occur in May and some occur in June.
  • Include at least 3 orders through the scheduled week that are placed by people without a BurritoClub.
  • Make your orders vary, some including drinks, some not, and a variety of sizes an options for the burritos.
  • Make sure that at least one order includes at least a burrito with at least 2 toppings (one of which is guacamole) and a drink (you will use this order in part 2.3.4 below).
  • At least 1 of your customers should order enough burritos to earn a free burrito.
  • Be sure that all of your BurritoClub burrito count is current in the database. Write you INSERT statements in the provided template file: insert.sql You may only use the DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands covered in lecture to help you populate your database. All of your data must be contained within the insert.sql file, do not load the data from separate data files (i.e. using a CSV file). Do not use other SQL statements, such as FUNCTIONs, PROCEDURESs or other programmatic MySQL-specific commands.

Assume that your script will already be run within your database schema (i.e. do not include a USE…; statement in your file, it will result in an error).

2.3 Query the Data. 

Write the SELECT statements that to obtain the following queries:

  • 1. Total Sales. Chipp would like to know his total for the month of May 2017 only. Write a SELECT query the gives the total sales for the month. Have your result return a single scalar value (i.e. in total GBP).
  • 2. Burrito Report. For each filling type and size, list the total number of burritos sold the month of June 2017. In the listing, include the filling type / size combinations that did not sell (i.e. had 0 quantity sales).
  • 3. Top Customers. Chipp would like to personally email his top customers by total purchases (i.e. it is up to you to decide what defines total purchases). Write a SELECT query that lists all of the customers Name and EmailAddress, and your total purchases metric. Sort the customers by purchases in decreasing order, showing the top-purchasing customer first.
  • 4. Guacamole Receipt. Create an itemized receipt for the customer order that you created that included a burrito with guacamole and a drink.. To help you write the query, you can hard code the order number (i.e. refer to the order by id in the query). Write a SELECT statement that lists the burrito (or burritos if there were multiple burritos ordered) first, and the drinks second. For each item show a description of the item and the price for the item. Make sure you include the applicable information for each item (i.e. the type of bean for the burrito, the size of the drink…etc..). Hint: You may use the string concatenation function CONCAT (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/stringfunctions. html#function_concat) to help construct the item description for a prettier receipt.
  • 5. Alcohol free! Pick one of the markets frequented by the Food Trucks and we will assume that there is a regulation to only sell non-alcoholic drinks on the premises.

Since MySQL does not support an assertion to check this constraint, write a SELECT statement that returns only a scalar Boolean value (i.e. either True or False). It should return True if there are no violations in the database of this regulation. If there is a violation, then the SELECT statement should return False.
There is a violation if there is an order containing an alcoholic drink placed at the market you have picked. In your query, refer to the market by its name. Show that your SELECT statement works by placing an order that contains an alcoholic drink and then running your SELECT statement. Your asserting SELECT statement should yield False (which would cause the ASSERTION to fail).
Write all of these SELECT statements in the above order in the provided template file: select.sql Assume that your script will already be run within your database schema (i.e. do not include a USE…; statement in your file, it will result in an error).

2.4 One more thing…

Annoyingly the customer who placed the most recent order would like to add a few more items to the order. Instead of modifying the order:

  • 1. Create a new order (using INSERT statements) with enough burritos so that one of the burritos they ordered will be free using their BurritoCard.
  • 2. Write an UPDATE statement that updates a customer’s burrito count for their BurritoCard.
  • 3. Write a SELECT statement that calculates the final order total price taking into account the free burrito.
  • 4. If you are keeping track of an order’s total price in your database, write an UPDATE statement to keep it current.
  • Write all of these statements in the provided template file: update.sql Assume that your script will already be run within your database schema (i.e. do not include a USE…; statement in your file, it will result in an error). 2.5 Track me not! Upon receiving an email from Chipp, his top-purchasing customer becames upset to find out that Chipp is tracking all of their Burrito Food Truck purchases. They have demanded to have all of their data to be removed from Chipp’s Burrito Food Truck database.

Using this customer’s email address as their identifying attribute in the query,write the DELETE statement(s) that removes this customer, and all their data, from the database. To avoid any future embarrassment in case of a data leak, make sure you remove all trace of the customer from the database. Write all of these DELETE statements in the provided template file: delete.sql
Assume that your script will already be run within your database schema (i.e. do not include a USE…; statement in your file, it will result in an error).

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