[SOLVED] Trivia Game using Linked List, Polymorphism and Inheritance in Java

You will need to first create an object class encapsulating a Trivia Game which INHERITS from
Game. The game is the parent class with the following attributes:
  1. description - which is a string
  2. write the constructor, accessor, mutator and toString methods. 
Trivia is the subclass of Game with the additional attributes:
  1. trivia game id - integer
  2. ultimate prize money - double
  3. number of questions that must be answered to win-integer.
  4. write the accessor, mutator, constructor, and toString methods.
Write a client class to test creating Trivia objects. Once you have successfully created Trivia
objects, you will continue by creating a linked list of trivia objects.
Your linked list code should include the following: a TriviaNode class with the attributes:
  1. trivia game - Trivia object
  2. next- TriviaNode
  3. write the constructor, accessor, mutator and toString methods.
A TriviaLinkedList Class which should include the following attributes:
  1. head - TriviaNode
  2. number of items - integer
  3. write the code for the constructor, accessor and mutator, and toString methods. 
Also include the methods to insert a triviaNode on the list. You can assume inserts always insert as the first node in the list. Also write a method to delete a node by passing the id of the game to delete. Take into consideration that the game may not exist in the list. Your method should let the user know that the node was successfully deleted or not.

Write a client to test all aspects - creating trivia objects, inserting the objects as nodes to the
list, deleting a node by passing the id of the trivia game. Print out the list every time you make a
change such as adding a node and deleting a node. You should create at least 3 objects to be
inserted to your list, then delete at least 1. Also, test deleting an object that is not in the list.

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